Purchasing Details – $16.95 CDN + Shipping

PAYMENT & SECURITY: Pay either with a credit card or with your PayPal account. For both, we use PayPal for their excellent security record. If you don't want to create a PayPal account, click the toggle on their payment form to decline. Problems with the link? Please contact us.

SHIPPING: We use Canada Post's regular letter mail, and your book should be in their hands within two business days of our receiving your order. For other shipping methods, please contact us directly.

Please select the book's destination. We then add the cost of packing and shipping directly to the price of the book:

Canada – $4.18 CDN.
U.S.A. – $6.65 CDN.
Elsewhere – $12.51 CDN.

Note: You may need to enter the destination country again when you pay.

When you select a shipping method on PayPal's payment form:
Default error image.
be sure to click on 'Default ...' otherwise the form will think you haven't made a choice!

Depending where you live, Canada Post states that delivery can take up to 4 business days within Canada, 4 to 6 days to the U.S.A., and 4 to 7 business days elsewhere.

CURRENCY: On the Wrong Side! is priced in Canadian dollars and costs $16.95 CDN. In U.S. dollars the cost will be a little less, depending on the exchange rate. To find the price in a number of common currencies, including U.S. dollars, here's a link to the Bank of Canada's currency converter. Please remember, however, that your credit card company will have its own exchange rate that will cost you a bit more. (They zing us too!)

IMPORTANT – Orders beyond Canada: We cannot foresee whether or not you will be charged any customs taxes or duties. These are imposed once the book reaches its destination country, and must be paid by the recipient.

Have you selected the destination?

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